Gaming and Mental Health
Gaming and Mental Health

In this post, I discuss how video games have helped me cope with my mental health issues. This includes anxiety, depression, and stress. I talk about the positive effects that playing video games has had on my life as well as the negative side effects.
This is not intended to be a discussion about the benefits or disadvantages of playing video games, as I’m sure everyone already knows what the advantages and disadvantages are. Instead, this is a personal account of my experiences with gaming, which hopefully can help others who suffer from similar conditions.
# Gaming and Mental Health
I’ve always been an avid gamer since childhood. As a child, I grew up in an environment where technology was frowned upon by society, and so I was unable to fully immerse myself into the world of video games. However, despite the limitations placed on me by others, I still managed to explore and experience the virtual world via various platforms. These ranged from consoles to handheld devices to PC applications, and everything in between.
My favorite platform of all, however, was definitely the computer, which provided me with countless hours of fun and entertainment. During these early years, I spent most of my free time browsing websites, downloading mods and mods packs, chatting with strangers online, or engaging in multiplayer games.
# My Experience With Computer
One of the main reasons why I loved computers so much back then was that they offered a safe haven for me. A place where I could escape reality and forget about all my problems. In other words, it allowed me to relax and unwind. Back then, the internet wasn’t as saturated as it is today, so it was easy to browse without worrying about getting distracted or being exposed to unwanted content.
Even social media sites like Facebook didn’t exist at that time, so the only thing I needed to worry about was the occasional virus or spyware.
As you can imagine, I spent many sleepless nights playing games such as Counter Strike (2000), Diablo II (2002), Age of Empires 2 (2003), Half Life (1998), Warcraft III (2004), Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (2003), Fallout 3 (2008), and Skyrim 💕 (2011).
These games kept me occupied, but they also taught me valuable lessons, which I will go over in greater detail in future posts. For now, however, I’d like to focus on the positive aspects of gaming and how it helped me overcome my struggles with mental illness.
# Benefits Of Playing Video Games
In this section, I’ll list some of the benefits that video games have given me throughout the years. They include:
Improving Concentration Levels
The ability to concentrate has always been a struggle for me, particularly during school days. Due to my poor academic performance, I was often mocked and bullied by classmates. As a result, I developed an inferiority complex, which led to me developing severe anxiety and panic attacks.
However, things changed when I started playing video games. At first, I struggled to pay attention to the game because of my anxieties, which eventually caused me to lose interest. But after a few weeks of practicing, I learned to control my emotions and stop worrying about anything else besides what was happening on screen.
Thus, video games gave me the opportunity to learn new skills while focusing on what was going on inside the game itself. This improved my concentration levels immensely, allowing me to focus on one task at a time and finish what I set out to do.
It also increased my self-esteem levels, allowing me to feel more confident while interacting with others. Thanks to this newfound confidence, I managed to find friends, which helped improve my social life and increase my social interaction abilities.
Forcing Me To Focus On What Is Important
Another benefit of gaming is forcing you to prioritize your tasks. In the past, I used to waste most of my time browsing the web, watching videos, or engaging in mindless conversations. Needless to say, none of these activities had any real value, so I decided to cut them out from my routine. Instead, I dedicated more time to playing video games.
Not only did this make me realize the importance of completing certain tasks, but it also allowed me to gain more knowledge and experience. For instance, I gained the ability to navigate the web efficiently and quickly, which helped me perform better in school.
Additionally, it made me more productive and efficient at work, which resulted in higher productivity levels overall.
# The Negative Side Effects Of Gaming
Unfortunately, there are also negative side effects associated with gaming. Namely, the fact that I wasted too much time on these activities. As a result, I neglected many responsibilities, such as working on my homework, cleaning the house, and spending quality time with family members.
Luckily, I realized this sooner rather than later, which prevented further consequences from occurring. After realizing that I was neglecting my responsibilities, I took steps to prevent myself from doing so again. I restricted my internet access and limited my gaming sessions, which reduced the amount of time I spent playing video games each day.
Furthermore, I created daily goals and objectives, which allowed me to stay focused on my tasks and complete them within a reasonable timeframe. Lastly, I joined groups and communities where I could discuss my hobbies with others, thereby improving my social interactions.
Overall, gaming has had a profound effect on my life, and I wouldn’t change a single thing. Not only has it helped me become a more skilled individual, but it has also improved my interpersonal relationships. And thanks to these improvements, I now live a healthier lifestyle, both mentally and physically.
Thank you for reading! If you have any questions or comments, please leave them in the comment section below. Have a nice day! 😘
i would like to thank u lanna. i suffered from depression, anxiety,and panic attacks for quite sometime before i discovered gaming. gaming saved me. and now,it is the reason why im still alive.
Hello, Lanna. Thank you for sharing your story. I found it very interesting. I have never played video games myself, though I think I may give it a try. I believe that there are many people out there who could benefit from video games, and perhaps this is something that should be looked into. There must be studies done regarding this matter. Anyway, keep up the good work! You are truly inspirational.
Great post. I really enjoyed reading it. Keep up the great work.
Hey there! I really liked this article, especially since gaming is so popular nowadays and we’re constantly hearing about how it can be bad for us. I’m glad to hear that video games can actually help with mental health, even if they are just a form of entertainment and nothing more.